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The purpose of the project is to offer the opportunity to get out into nature and see wild animals, inform about how the animals live and a chance to see something new.

The purpose also includes that people from all over the world and the disabled should be able to get close to our Swedish animals close to life in a discreet and careful way.


The goal of the project is:


- An existing workshop to develop and store the hiding places and other materials that belong to the business.

- A working hiding place

- A functioning website with booking service and web shop

- Create collaborations

- Develop marketing materials


The purpose and goals of the project are also stated in the application.


The project consists of investment in suitable photographic equipment, preparation of a workshop, marketing, construction of a hideout for game viewing and own work.




During the project's progress, the hiding place has been completed. A dass has also been put in place as guests usually spend the night in hiding.


On site, it has also been cleared to create a better view and a nicer photo environment in the areas where the bears like to move.


The hiding place has been given a new foundation and moved a bit to create better photo opportunities and light.

New panel and new roof have also been fixed. Inside the hiding place, it has been renovated so that the hiding place would feel more homely.

A bed has been built in the hiding place.

On the way up to the hiding area, a wall gate has been put down to prevent uninvited guests from disturbing next to the hiding area.




The work around the workshop has moved according to plan.

-New floor has been cast

-New interior walls and ceilings have been regulated

-The whole building has been insulated

-OSB boards and plaster have been mounted on walls and ceilings

-Filling and painting of walls and ceilings has been done

-Port has been fitted

-El has been pulled



-Investments have been made in the project such as Släpvagn & Snowdog to be able to transport bait material from the slaughterhouse and then further out to the hiding area.


-Camera and drone to create high quality images and movies for advertising material




-During the project, we would try to find different partners. During the project, we have created collaborations with 2 different actors within the municipality.

We also have a dialogue with a larger travel company that wants to arrange trips for groups to different hiding places in Sweden.


However, the hiding place is a little too small to be able to offer this company what they are looking for. So the plans are to try to meet it in the future with two new hiding places that can accommodate up to 5 people in each hiding place.

In the slideshow you can see a selection of photos that I took during the project.

Regards / Andreas


Projektuppdatering. När vi idag summerar projektet så är det med glädje. Efter en del motgångar de första åren runt gömslet med band annat avverkning i närområdet som året efter följdes av corona pandemin så kan vi ändå glädjas åt den fina respons vi  fått på verksamheten. Antalet besökare som vi haft har ökat från år till år och hittils så har alla våra mål infriats vad gäller kundbesök. Verkstaden har gjort det möjligt för oss att på ett smidigt sätt bygga tavlor till försöljning. Kommande år 2023 planerar jag att starta bygga ett nytt gömsle som kommer att användas i gömsleområdet för att  kunna ge en exklusivare upplevelse. Ett större gömsle planeras också för att unna ta emot större grupper. Eventuellt så kommer gömslet och stigen till området att handikapp anpassas för att även kunna erbjuda rullstolsburna ett besök i det vilda. 

Vi har under åren fått bra samarbeten med olika lokala aktörer  samt  filmbolag och researrangörer.

© 2021 Andreas Göransson last updated 2020-12-07

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